Faustino Ortiz III

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About Me

The Tax that Sins (BFA Show Project )

For this piece I created a video that incorporates some live action and animation like elements.The video goes over a proposed tax in Pennsylvania where any video game that is rated M. As a gamer if this were to go through it could cause other states to follow suit which would hurt gamers in their wallets. They do this as a way to control the content that kids play so it won't have an influence on them doing horrific actions when research proves otherwise.

Medium: Digital Video Size: 1920x1080

Comic Panel

For this piece I created a sculpture of a comic book from foam poster board. The main feature of this piece is that the panels are removable making it customizable. In some pages of comics, the panels could be one huge panel, wide panels and so forth. By adding in the sliding panels as part of this design, it helps you recreate your own comic page to your liking even add in your own figures to help create a story. The background was a mixture of panels from old classic Marvel comics and the Marvel logo was made on red construction paper along with white acrylic paint to color it in.

Comic Panel 1 Comic Panel 2

Meme Mashup

In this piece I mixed together the old and the new. The Rage Face meme mixed together with the distracting boyfriend meme. I picked these two memes because I felt that they would still contain the same humor that the original boyfriend meme had done but with a new twist on the idea.

meme mashup

3D Print: 8 bit Smash Ball

For this piece I created the smash ball item from the video game series super smash bros in the pc game Minecraft which helped give it its pixel like design. With the use of various programs including mesh lab and Mineways a program that lets you import a model of a highlighted target in your save file of your Minecraft game I was able to create a mesh .stl file for what I created. There were two prints the one as seen on the right was the test print to see how well the Cura 3D printer would print out the model. After changing the size of the hook in the model from Minecraft, I created a new model of the smash ball to be printed out which is the bigger one that is seen on the left. I came up with this idea because I felt that this item would be very simple to create given the tools Minecraft gives you. I also added the loop on the top so it could be made into a keychain or for a necklace which is why I made it bigger in the final version.

3d print

Ultron Sigma

For this piece, I created the final boss from the game Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and the Infinity Stones he’s trying to acquire. This was also another 3d print piece done using the same methods as the 8 bit Smash Ball piece above.

Ultron Sigma

Riddled with Issues

For this piece, I took a side by side screenshot from the internet of the video game character Chun Li from the game from Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. The game faced backlash when her in game model was first revealed, she looked nothing like the way fans had come to know. The issue was addressed when the game officially came out but many other characters faced the same issue and the game’s art style and character roster choice left many fans to be disappointed despite the gameplay to be super fun. With the program Notepad ++ I rewrote parts of the code to make the image return to be very glitchy and visually unappealing. This helps represent what the game turned out to be in the final product to many fans and shows that visual appeal is an important factor in making and designing a game.

Riddled with Issues

Fractal Puzzle

For this work, I created designs based on a polygon in Adobe Illustrator which were then cut out onto plastic with the help of the laser cutter. They were designed to fit in with the shapes that my groupmates had created including triangles and stars.

Fractal Puzzle

Violent Video Game

In this video, a proposal to pass a tax on Violent Video games is being considered, when the person (myself) sees the news they just shrug it off. But they will soon find out from an unlikely source on why this is a much bigger issue.


A video that I had made that had taken inspiration from the first person horror game genre.

College Life

A video montage of the daily life of going to College.

Never Forget

A virtual installation made in Maya recreating the Twin Towers memorial. In one of the past tributes for the 9/11 event, they created spotlights that were located on the foundation of where the towers had stood. From there, they were pointed upwards and during the night it would illuminate the bright sky showing as if the towers were still standing. This is my interpretation of this idea they had done but giving the towers more form akin to what they were like before the tragedy occurred.

Never Forget